Isla Aukate
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Darius Steele
Hector Fen
Garret Silver
Ezra Stewart
Socks the Fox
Shard Loren
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Socks the Fox Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:10 pm

Socks looked up, surprised that the Doctor was taking lunch with them. Well, probably not them so much as the officers they were talking to, she figured. Still, smiling, she greeted him, "Hello, Doctor!"

She turned to the brother that addressed the group, responding to his question "I think things are going pretty well! I mean, other than that one guy. It looked like miss Wolfbane was pretty mad at him. And didn't you say earlier that you weren't originally aiming for R&D Mr. Jiao? You wanted to be a strategist?"
Socks the Fox
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by KeirStryker95 Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:18 pm

Keir finished his last bite of feral deer and then checked his mug. Seeing it was almost empty, he downed what was left of his sweetened tea and then burped loudly.

"Excuse me!" he chuckled before setting the mug back down his tray and getting up. He brought it over to the trash, searching for the Commander who had been in the hall earlier. After not seeing him, Keir dumped his trash and took the tray over to the washing station, passing it to another minion there. "Thank you," Keir said as the minion took the tray and began washing. He returned to the table with the others and mentioned not seeing Tigermark, and asked if they had seen him leave.

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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Akkarri Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:20 pm

Lexaniri’s return trip was rather uneventful, just shifting the weight in order to carry her load comfortably and adding some fruits and roots in passing. Overall, it felt as though the hour was passing too quickly as she pushed through the brush. Her ears scanned for any unusual noises of movement and they eventually picked up the noises of the camp. It seemed quieter than it had been, before she had left, but it was nothing to worry about for her.

Lex made her way back to where this gathering mission had all started, heaving the bag carefully and placing it down in front of her along with her shoulder sack. She straightened herself up and gave a salute to General Steele. “Recruit Lexaniri reporting, sir,” she said with the salute, letting him choose the next task or defer to Lieutenant Areta. Either way, she tried to remain as unmoving as possible.

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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Ezra Stewart Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:57 am

Jiao smiled as he watched everyone talk amongst themselves, it was quite comforting to watch others speak and simply enjoy one another's company. When Socks spoke to him, he sat up a little, and smiled.

"I did originally yes, it's sort of... my dream job so to speak. I wished I could come and be like one of the great strategists of old, like the Sleeping Dragon Zhuge Liang. Or perchance Zhou Yu of Wu. However, the job has already been taken, so I am content with doing everything I can here, in R&D"

He looked at Socks, and remembered he had ot take Socks back to the department once mess was finished. He wondered when lunch was over. He shrugged, he would go soon.
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Socks the Fox Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:03 pm

Socks nodded in response to Jiao, before continuing, "I was thinking a bit ago, and came up with something that might help everyone. I'm sure you know a lot about all that strategy and planning stuff, and it all seems like something important to have at least a basic understanding of no matter where you're stationed. I wonder if they'd find it useful to have someone as an instructor, perhaps? I don't know, but maybe it could be another opportunity to leave your mark on the Overlord's forces doing what you enjoy. I know I'd like to learn a bit about some of the planning and strategy that goes in to all this. Of course, it's all up to what they have need for..."
Socks the Fox
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Hector Fen Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:15 pm

Hector couldn't help but laugh at the exchange between Gu Jiao and Socks. Taking another nip from his flask he carefully slipped it back in his uniform coat. "You mean to tell me a wisened man like yourself, walked right into General Steele's tent intending to be a strategist for her majesty's Forces." He shook his head and chuckled. "I do hope you realize that was like walking in off the street into a recruiting office and asking to be a Major General. I hope Steele wasn't too hard on you when he found out you were trying to take his job." Hector supressed more laughter and calmed himself a bit, his voice lowering.

"Let me let you all in on a little secret about this place. You're lucky you're in Research, for one. It gets the most attention, funding, and resources than any other department, for another bootcamp in general is mostly used to teach all hopefuls a healthy lesson in humility. You want higher positions you first need to show the people here what you're made of, isn't that right, Doctor?" Hector chuckled and nudged Silver.
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Garret Silver Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:23 pm

Silver looked up from chewing on a piece of fish and forced a smile. "It's more complex than that, granted my induction here was a little... different. For one I started off has his prisoner." He indicated to Hector who swallowed and shook his head, but Silver continued, missing the visual cues to stop. "I mean granted It was to help D... Commander Steele at the time but we were-" Silver didn't get to finish before Hector grabbed his knee under the table to startle him into silence. "Humans," Hector interjected. "we were distrustful of them at the time, but They both showed their merit though deeds and ah.... well experience." He glanced at Silver when he finally met his eyes and shook his head. Silver's eyes widened and sheepishly he looked away biting his lip. "Yep... humans.... "
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Ezra Stewart Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:47 pm

Jiao laughed with Hector, and looked at his tea cup thoughtfully as he spoke. Jiao looked up at him as he finished.

"What can I say sir, I was eager, and well. I had let the romance of old legends and stories get to my head. In those stories, something like that was quite possible, not now though. Now that I look back upon it, it was rather ridiculous. I do hope you don't mind sir?" Jiao grinned, he knew that it was naive of him to do such a thing. Every once in a while though, Jiao would do a naive thing, as he knew. He wasn't after all, the wisest of all men. "Then there is the matter of the R&D department. Which, once again, I am very glad to be working in. I understand how important this department is, and I won't be taking it for granted. Since it is obviously so integral to the Overlord's forces. I will be honored to do my part."

Jiao then turned to Socks, after putting his tea cup, now empty, in his coat pocket..

"I doubt such a thing would be helpful Socks, if anything a strong bond of kinship and teamwork are the main things that should be focused on when training most soldiers. If the soldiers all start to move according to what they would believe might be the best thing to do tactically or strategically, then you would only have chaos. Besides, if such a program was instated, I am hardly the man for the job, I am sure the Commander would be more than suited for the task, or he would find someone who was. It would not be for me to decide. It's good that your thinking that way though."

Jiao leaned back, and got a little more comfortable, as his old body creaked. Then raised his eyebrow at the small exchange between the two officers. The body language was revealing enough, but Jiao knew when to leave well enough alone. He continued, hoping to take the conversation somewhere else.  

"If I may ask sir, what is our general... consensus on humanity, if there is one? I know how I feel about them, but what does the overlord feel of them?"
Ezra Stewart
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Hector Fen Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:50 pm

Hector quietly pondered that for a moment, trying to choose the best answer. "About ten years ago a vessel crashed on isla Aukate and brought humans unlike most of us had ever seen before. They were stranded here with few resources to get home. Now you know we share our islands with polynesian humans, obviously not a lot of them, but we work with them and so long as they don't bother us, we don't bother them. There's also an agreement they don't speak about us in any seriousness to people outside.

"Anyway! The ship that crashed here well... they brought different kinds of humans, like Silver here who's almost as pale as me. And of course General Steele. Some of the humans decided to stay and make their home on our island, many others left to ah... return home. Now I trust Steele and Silver, they recently joined us under rather interesting circumstances. Steele was protecting his young daughter from the leader of the humans on the ship, who finally snapped and threatened his and her lives. Silver left immediately after to help save his life from a nasty illness their leader had given Steele."

Hector paused and steepled his fingers. "In short, If we have humans like Silver among our ranks odds are they've come to escape the tyranny of their leader, a one Richard Titan. If you see any humans out in the field wearing dark grey uniforms with a strange collar, it's one of Titan's crew, so be careful. Not all of them are hostile but it's best to make yourself scarce just in case."
Hector Fen
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Socks the Fox Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:31 am

Socks listened carefully, as Hector's body language and speech patters shifted to a more serious tone. "Oh my, that sounds awful! Thank you for the warning, I'd rather find out here and now than out on the field," she responded once he finished. "Sounds about right though, based on what I've read. There are some good ones, like the General (he's a general?) and our Doctor here, and some bad ones, like this Richard guy, and some ones that follow because it's what they're 'supposed' to do," she added, after a thoughtful pause.
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by tobi3B Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:47 pm

"Sorry Keir I didn´t see him leave" he ponders that a moment " maybe he test us and looks when we get back to training ?"

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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Solitair Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:40 pm

"Oh, things are actually going pretty good for us all," Alec said to Garran. "I mean, as well as could be considered. We've made a couple of designs that didn't really fit the Overlord's needs. It may take some time for us to fit in here, but I think it'll be worth it."

Any further conversation from the brothers was put on hold when they decided not to try and get a word in edgewise. The conversation had shifted over to Gu Jiao, and Lukas and Alec were curious to listen.

When Hector brought up the subject of humility, Niko swallowed a mouthful of food and took a deep breath, almost protesting the idea. Their lives were plenty humble, given how they had to work at living together with a shared body, even after the Overlord's medical technology helped clear up the very worst problems. Why would the brothers think they were special, or the instructors think they had it easy? But Lukas shook his head, and Niko closed his mouth, silent on the issue.

Besides, the account of how Hector and Silver had come to the Overlord, how these new pale humans had come to the islands, had them all interested. After they had finished explaining, Lukas looked between them with interest. Something about them seemed a bit odd, but he couldn't tell whether or not it was just the novelty of talking with humans like them.

Or maybe it was just Hector. "How many humans have ears like yours?" Lukas asked him.

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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by TheSphinx Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:53 pm

Garran listened quietly to the conversations. He smiled at Gu Jiao’s misadventure, trying not to be offensive. He was waiting to make his own poor figure: it was only a matter of time.

But the discussion between Hector and Silver was revealing. He kept a polite smile fixed on his face, but his eyes narrowed a little. Their words and body language were saying different things. It takes a professional liar to keep control of all the body movements, and that meant if anything those two were not telling the whole truth.
That wasn’t the moment for questions, though. At least nothing personal. If an officer hides you something there should be a reason.

Again Jiao made the right question. Polite and right to the point at the same time.
And again Hector gave a good answer, even if not complete.
So, ferals were not the only danger around.

He leaned forward.
“Those particular humans... where are they spread? I mean, can we find some of them wandering around?”

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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Secateur Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:58 pm

Eddie enjoyed the lunch thoroughly after the training earlier in the day. He had sat down a bit to the side of Keir, Razor and Angus, close to another minion whom he had talked to during lunch. After they had left, he just listened to the other three, and overheard that Tigermark had apparently finished lunch. Eddie wasn't delighted by the prospect of more training, but found it probable that lunch was now over, so he emptied his cup, got up, and made his way to deliver the tray to the cleaning crew. He made a point to smile and thank one of the cleaning minions for their work, before exiting the mess tent.

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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Hector Fen Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:32 pm

The mention of his ears saw Hector instinctively press them to the sides of his head with a faint blush of embarrasment. "I'm not ah...." He swallowed. "I'm of the elven persuasion actually. I came from another world where they were commonplace, here not so much. My old home was inundated with Magic, sadly I have a terrible reaction to it due to ah... an accident. So my Sister brought me here where magic is less of a problem. You really have to be looking for it to find it." He looked releived when another question was asked. "The humans on Aukate live around the western edge of the outer crater on Auakate. They're usually scouting out there. They also have things that look like wingless dragons in thier employ so be careful of them too."
Hector Fen
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by KeirStryker95 Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:39 pm

"Hm. Strange. Maybe he is testing us. General Steele had said something about an intercom message saying when lunch would be over, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was like a last minute, 'Get here or you're out!' thing you know?" Keir replied, standing up from the table. he followed Eddie out of the hall, replacing his hat on his head to the sun out of his sensitive eyes.

There wasn't much going on as most of the members here were at lunch, but Keir could see Sunny and the General sharing lunch, along with the small arctic fox from earlier around the sparring ring sitting off to the side doing what appeared to be meditating. Best to leave him at then, Keir thought.

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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Charon Bond Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:44 pm

The feline found himself sprawled out on his cot and a hint of light coming from the open flap of his tent.  He blinked his eyes and rolled over towards the opening and wondered how he got where he was and then he remembered.  After taking his intake of tuna melt sandwiches and water, he immediately felt extremely tired from the first day's activities on the island.  He stumbled his way towards his tent and as soon as he saw his cot he didn't even bother to undress from his uniform and went to sleep immediately.  
He turned over and put his legs over the edge and onto the ground.  He rubbed his eyes and put a hand through his head fur.  He stood up and found his uniform severely wrinkled and groaned.  This wouldn't do if he planned to meet his assigned officer, Areta Davies.  He poked his head outside and saw it was just the beginning of the day, false dawn.  'At least I didn't sleep half the day away,' he mumbled to himself.  
He closed the flap and changed his wrinkled clothes for the crisp new uniform he had stored away.  He went through the camp and looked around seeing very few furs already up and about.  He smelled the wonderful odors of breakfast being cooked and he swore he wouldn't overeat like he did the previous day.  He partook in some oatmeal and buttered toast.  After feeling somewhat full and not bloated, he exited the mess tent and began to look for Areta's tent.

Last edited by Charon Bond on Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Ezra Stewart Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:46 pm

Jiao leaned forward, a little quickly.

"Wingless Dragons? Wouldn't it be better to call then lizards then? What differentiates them as dragons?"

Jiao asked curiously, he had never really studied dragons intensively before, he wouldn't mind learning something new, especially about his opponent.
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Tigermark Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:54 pm

Tigermark had a seat, waiting for General Steele to make the intercom announcement that lunch was over. He'd planned on doing the lecture on wear of the uniform next, but as everyone had just eaten, and it was early afternoon, they might have trouble staying awake for a lecture. He thought a second, and then smiled. Formal carry of the shock lance would work. That would keep them on their feet and awake.

The tiger assumed a cross-legged sitting position and began to meditate, relaxing and preparing himself for the afternoon's work.

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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Schemmer Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:14 am

Looking around, Vince noticed that some of the recruits were already heading back to their tasks. He closed the book and drank the last of his glass of water. The bear brought the glass over to the recruits who were washing up and with a nod of wordless thanks, went to return the book to the cook he had borrowed it from. That task completed, Vince left the dining area and returned to where Shard was still waiting. The Commander and Sunny still seemed to be enjoying their meal, so the bear figured he was at the very least not late. He gave the other recruit a subdued greeting and seated himself next to the bag of foods he had previously gathered.

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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by tobi3B Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:48 am

He got up and delivered his used plate to the crew of minions who did the dishes and thanked them. "A little bit of politeness goes a long way" his father used to say. He got out of the tent and stretched his muscles. He then moved to the training area and looked for the commander which he didn´t spot. So he sat down and waited what happened next.

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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Shard Loren Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:28 pm

Without opening his eyes at Vinces' approach Shard waited for the bear to sit down before he calmly asked "So how do you think your creme brulee went? I've heard those are hard to do." a small breeze gusted by shard carrying a small leaf in it's currents, the leaf was moving erratically and it was hard to keep an eye on it. In less then a second, Shards hand was up in the air with a firm grip on the small leaf with his index finger and Thumb. he opened his eyes with a smile and let the leaf go on it's way as it was once again caught by the breeze.
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Merrihop Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:39 am

Sunny waved at Vince as he returned from his lunch, giving him a friendly smile. She hoped there were no hard feelings about earlier.

Finishing off the last of her cookie, the marten glanced over at the commander, "Sir, if you're done I'll take the tray back to the mess. If not, would it be alright if I ran back anyway? I think I might grab a little more fruit."

She smiled sheepishly, realizing that might sound odd for someone of her size to still be hungry.

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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Charon Bond Mon Jan 06, 2014 1:58 pm

Charon had walked the entire length of the camp and now he was starting the width. Every detail he took in and he was becoming familiar to the lay of the tent city he now called home. It was still early yet with all the new recruits but it was becoming apparent the daily routine of the camp was forming. Cooks waking up before even the commanders making sure the food was prepared for the increasing number of recruits. Runners and messengers waiting outside the commander tents ready to deliver messages to whoever needed them. Now, it was up to him to find out if he was going to be such, a messenger or something else completely different. It was around Noon when he finally found Areta's tent. In as much as it sounded funny, he politely rapped the entrance to her material tent to hopefully attract her attention of a new recruit who wished to speak to her.
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Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed) - Page 18 Empty Re: Training Begins -Day 2 (Thread Closed)

Post by Rotors91 Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:18 pm

Razor had followed suit with the others, getting his plate clean, and offering a sweet smile in the direction of the kitchen help. He knew such an occupation could be thankless at times. Once that was done, the leopard shark followed the others from the tent, not wanted to be the last one back. That would hardly do.

He caught up with Angus, be remained standing to keep a look out for the commander...whom he spotted mediating not too far away.

"Hmmm....should we...get his attention?" He glanced over at Angus with a questioning gaze, "I think we should get his attention". This time he said it with a tone of finality, but hovered around to get the bear's opinion.

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